Do you know the story of Max Becker? It is simple and sweet. I was in LA for work with my boss one day. We bought some display boxes and had to go to the warehouse and pick them up. While we were waiting at the warehouse she spotted this skinny little cat under a truck. He looked so sweet and scared. She coaxed him over as only a crazy cat lady could. As I waited down at the loading dock for our display boxes, I received a phone call. She wanted me to get a cardboard box, because we were bringing this cat home! Not knowing who would take this sweet boy when we got back to San Diego, we started on our way back. I sat in the passenger seat for the first 2 hours and petted the dirty gray kitten. Did I mention how sweet he was? So sweet! I called Sheona on the way home and explained the situation. I'm not sure we gave her much of a choice, but she decided to take the cat.
So, now you can see why my boss has a special place in her heart for sweet Max. She rescued him from a dirty, scary warehouse in LA and placed him in a loving home in La Mesa. Every Christmas she sends Max and Jake a little gift. Last Christmas she gave them a tie, an elephant hat (what?) and a toy. Gere is Max showing off his new duds. He's a pretty lucky cat.