The residents of your AquaWorld are Red Shrimps. The shrimp do not eat the algae itself, but rather groom it, eating the microalgae and bacteria that grow on the algae mats. They are literally the gardeners of their environment. They maintain the balance within the places where they live and keep them clean so the large algae can thrive.
Unlike in their natural environment, there are no predators in the AquaWorld, so the life span of the shrimps can be very long, up to around 10 years.
There is also a sprig of algae in your AquaWorld. This is to help keep the water clean and provides oxygen for the Red shrimp. The shrimp groom the algae and keep it healthy.
And if you're curious as to whether there will be baby shrimp anytime soon, the answer is no. Read below.
The shrimp usually do not produce offspring in the AquaWorld as they like dark, secluded places in which to breed. <--ha ha :)
They require no feeding or changing of the water. I'm all for that! Its not that I'm not capable of taking care of animals (and hopefully humans someday), but its nice to have a responsibility free pet. (Although, I did have to put them in the closet for a week once because they were getting too much sunlight)
And without further ado, I present you my shrimp!