
The Tootsie Roll Sneak

Well, I'm back to work after my immensely enjoyable 3 WEEK VACATION.  I have a new hair cut, a new attitude and new goodies to bring to work.  For instance, I brought my lunch to work this morning in a cute and fabulous cooler bag my dad gave to me for Christmas (thanks Dad!).  When I got to work I unpacked my bag, placed my lunch in the fridge and then unveiled the other thoughtful gift my dad bestowed upon me in late December.

This little gem now resides in the bottom drawer of my desk and has inspired me to invent the Tootsie Roll Sneak.  What is that you might ask?  Is it similar to the quarterback sneak?  Not really.  Is it akin to the one cheek sneak?  Certainly not.  It is a maneuver all of its own.  The Tootsie Roll Sneak is when I swiftly reach over to the bottom drawer and act like I am looking for some office supplies, but instead stealthily pull out a little tootsie roll midgie and hide it in my hand until no one is looking and I can pop it in my mouth.  This happened 4 times before the clock struck 11:00 this morning.  But they're midgies folks!  The littlest tootsie roll they make.  I shouldn't be ashamed of that, should I?


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to work and into 2009! Love the idea of the tootsie roll sneak...my favorite is the sour ball bop (into my mouth). Enjoy the day!

Anonymous said...

Watch out...this game gets perfected with practice! Then you look like me. :)