
Does this make my foot look fat?

The summertime in Santee always means record heat & lots of bugs.  Luckily the temps haven't started to soar yet, but the bugs have already begun their invasion.  Ants, pincher bugs, beattles and other unnamed species can be found right outside our backdoor.

Sometimes the cats bring one in to play with.  And sometimes the bugs just invite themselves in.  A couple weeks ago I was sitting at our (new!) dining table and felt little bite on my foot.  I looked down and there were 2 bites on the top of my foot and they were itchy.

Mark applied some Caladryl lotion so I would stop whining about the itchiness.  And then a few hours later my foot looked like this!

It stayed puffy and itchy for a few days and then cleared up.  I have no idea what bit me, but my foot obviously didn't like it.

P.S.  Please ignore the toes you're seeing in this picture.  I know I need a pedicure.


McMackin Family said...

Ok, that doesn't look good at all!!! I can't believe you didn't go to the Dr.! Did you take benadryl at least? It looks really swollen!

Gwen said...

Nice footsies!

Mom Hill said...

Ouch! Looks like mine looked a few weeks ago. Want to borrow my CamBoot? Hope it feels better now!